Sunday, 4 May 2008

326ISEV : Computer Project Management Assignment 1

Meeting Minutes – 1st May 2008


The regular meeting of the Project Management Team was called to discuss the project of re-locating of GetItFast Limited and what we need to do to complete the group assignment. We met in the computer room on 1st May 2008.

Present: Jon Tolin, Hayden Webb, Emma Ryan and Craig Stewart

Apols: Ayman Adly


  1. Welcome Craig to the group and discuss his roles and responsibilities.

  1. Review the project to ensure all elements are completed as required.

  1. Discuss the finalisation of the document.

Minutes of meeting…..

  1. Craig asked to join our group as he hadn’t contributed to any other Project Management group assignments and felt he could offer us some help, advice and a new perspective on ours, to help us finalise it. As we had a few final tweaks to be made to our assignment and we thought we could benefit from another persons perspective on our document we agreed that Craig’s assistance would be beneficial to our assignment.

We welcomed Craig to the group and explained to him what our assignment entailed and what approach we had taken. We felt that Craig would be best to look at our collated document and change it is as required. Any other changes to the document should also be sent to Craig for him to change in the document.

  1. As a group we reviewed the project to ensure all elements were completed as required. Below is a list of changes or additions to the document we need to do before submission:-

    • Changes have been made to the Risk Analysis table and WBS diagram; these revisions would need to be changed in the final document. Jon would do these changes and send them to Craig to up issue the document.

    • Craig would need adding to the roles and responsibilities part of the assignment. Craig’s roles and responsibilities were discussed and it was decided that he would add this to the final document.

    • The Project Specification, plan, explanation and the layout of the document was discussed with Craig and decided that his help would be beneficial to us for him to give his perspective on the final document. The document was emailed to Craig for him to review and for him to do the changes and additions as discussed previously.

  1. The finalisation of the document was discussed and we decided that after Craig has amended the document as previously stated, then he would email this to the group for their perusal. Craig would then be the group member to upload the final document after group agreement.

Next Meeting…..

There is no more meetings organised but if there is a meeting needed before the submission date then it will be agreed by the group members by email.

Minutes submitted by: Emma Ryan

Approved by: Ayman Adly

Hayden Webb

Jon Tolin

Craig Stewart

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